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Join us for Live Church Service

on Zoom and Facebook Live

@ 1pm each Sunday

Founder and Pastor

Bishop Carolyn Coleman

324 Raymond Road

Jackson, Mississippi 39212


newspaper article on Bishop Coleman (Dr. CC)
Workshop by  Dr. Coleman-Smith at TA&O Church
Bishop Coleman and Dr. Catherine Coleman Smith of Crowned in Royalty .
Annual Thanksgiving Feeding the Hungry Dinner.
TA&O Annual Christmas Angel Tree Give Away with WJMI

324 Raymond Road
Jackson, MS  39204

Bishop Coleman preaching at TA&O Black History Program

Pastor: Bishop Carolyn Coleman

You are the Church. It will take the heart of flesh that loves God to establish the Kingdom of Heaven in the earthly realm. Join us each Sunday at 1 pm for live Church Services.

Bishop Carolyn Coleman

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We Are True Believers in the Power of the Holy Ghost.

Join us each Sunday at
1 pm for live Church Services on Zoom.

Bible Study and Pray Meeting Services are on Tuesdays at 6:30 pm.

You may leave your prayer request online.

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