Co-Author With Me
Fri, Apr 12
|Virtual Event
It's Your Time Co-Author with Me in the 3rd Series of “We Write The Letters That Heal.”

Time & Location
Apr 12, 2024, 11:23 PM – 11:38 PM CDT
Virtual Event
About the event
God has laid it on my heart for us to write the 2nd Series of "We Write The Letters That Heal." I am extending an invitation to you to join me again in “Co-Authoring with Me” in my next book series project.
This book is going to bring healing and breakthroughs for intergenerational families. It is a God-appointed project. Each writer will be asked to write a letter to someone or about a situation that looked hopeless that God turned around. You might write about a test that became a testimony (overcoming cancer, an unjust firing, divorce, death of a loved one, etc.). You may want to write a letter to your daughter, son, or significant other. You may want to write a letter to your inner child, the church, or a close friend, or write a letter about overcoming a limited belief and how it transformed your life. You may want to write about a time of homelessness, or hopelessness. You may want to write a poetic piece on healing the nation. Family drama, loss of love, or the pain that I can no longer be silenced.What you write and who you write to is your choice.
Our goal is to leave a legacy and bring healing to the hearts of those in despair. Write what sets you free and bring healing to others.
You may be thinking why should I be part of the Next Co-Authoring Project?
You have seen the benefits. You have seen the healing and growth in yourself.You have been an eyewitness to the calling of God to bring you into new territory.You have laid a foundation for a legacy to your children and their children and to the Body of Christ.Most importantly God is calling you to your Next because God finishes, perfects, and completes His work in us.
Paul referred to the process when he said, “He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the
day of Jesus Christ” (Philippians 1:6, NKJV). Spiritual growth ought to continue in steadfast believers until the day Jesus Christ returns (2 Peter 3:18; 1 Thessalonians 5:23). You have first-hand experience with the power of co-authoring a project.
Your life, brand, and value have already moved to another level.
What have you learned?
•You have been exposed to a think tank of like-minded authorpreneurs.•You’ve gained author capital as a published writer.•You have experienced the power of collaborative book partnerships.•You have learned the power of having a professional publishing company that supports you and equips you for the marketplace,•Dr. CC exposed each of you to the inner workings of writing and publishing a book/s.•You gained capital as a writer and were given branding opportunities to promote your work.•It gives you the benefit of having a published work with a larger reader audience than with a solo book project, which increases your streams of income.•You get more bang for your buck. You save money. You earned money.
•Doors, and opportunities to be featured and your work spotlighted on podcast, radio stations, and social media outlet that is not part of the Co-Authoring process that Dr. CC provided to help build your brand.
•While developing your craft and learning the book writing process and the inside of publishing you have become a brand.
This HEALING project aims to empower believers and non-believers in ways they can develop and grow their faith and build a deeper understanding of the power of love, and forgiveness.
The Lady of Wisdom Publishing Company has grown since 2019. With five (5 ) new books published and four(4 ) more slated to be published by the end of the year. God's hand of favor is truly resting on those writers He is calling to the table. Our target audience is Women of faith.
We do not discriminate against anyone. I have coached mentored and pushed many people to follow their dreams to become authors. Now, God has called me to expand the call on women who have been assigned by Him to continue the legacy of, "We Write the Letters that Heal." Yes, in the upcoming series expect men to be called to the table of healing in the upcoming series of books. "We Write The Letters That Heal" is expanding to become a series of books on healing.
By sharing your journey to healing you will help set other women and girls, boys, and men free from the shame, pain, fear, and the belief of not being worthy of love and happiness. I would love for you to be part of this life-changing body of work.
The goal is to publish the 2nd Series of, "We Write The Letters That Heal" in December of 2023. This book will open the next level of healing that will reveal the requirements for wholeness.
Each person will select their letter title to align with their experience. Each letter should include a back story, the letter, and the revelations/healing that resulted from writing the letter and releasing the pain.
I will need a commitment confirmation letter along with your deposit. and a one-page sample of your writings on Friday, (8/31/23).
Our 1st Zoom meeting will be held on Saturday (9/9/23) at 6 p.m. (central time).
On August 29th (my Birthday) All Original Co-Authors will receive a 50% discount if fees are paid in full.
Price: $1200.00 -40% = $780.00 for the Anthology.
It will return to the super discount special on August 31.
On Labor Day Weekend you can take advantage of the SAVE MY SEAT for $199. Then the balance in 3 payments.
•You can pay a deposit fee of $199.00 to hold your seat. And
•Make monthly or bi-weekly installments And
•You will be able to pay the balance as needed as long as all fees are paid in full by the 31st. of October.
•The deadline for the book's 2nd and final edit before publication is October 31.
You may Cash App your payment to $Theladyofwisdom
PayPal on the website: