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Dr. CC is a Master Christian Life Coach with a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology

Your time is too valuable to waste looking back.

It's time to Soar


It's Time for A New Beginning

 Let Go of the Past

Book an Appointment with Dr. CC

Dr. CC, a licensed Master Christian Life Coach has a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology. She is an expert at teaching Women and Men how to identify their point of pain. So, they can permit themselves to be happy, healthy, wealthy, and wise.

During your one-on-one or family Counseling Session, you will:

​Realize the power of reflection to assess self-destructive


* Discover the value of self-worth and the value   

* Identify Emotional Clues

* Establish short-term and long-term goals

        " We learn little from victory, much from defeat."

                                                             -Japanese Proverb​

After teaching these principles, I've had many declare a change of life for the better. Some have testified to the positive change in behavior and ability to make positive choices.

 Let It Go!

 Reflection, Recovery, & Resurrection

will help you let go of the fear, enhance your ability to recover from past mistakes, and provide strategies for a more purposeful and resilient life. Don't miss this life-changing opportunity. Your resurrection is now! Push, Press, and Win.


Book Your

Let It Go Counseling Session Now


click the link below. 

 $199 per Session (6) Sessions


During the 6 sessions, you will learn:

​* Realize the power of reflection to assess self-destructive


* Validate your purpose in this life.

* Create short-term and long-term goals

*Actionable steps to a more resilient life


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Prepare to forge forward and soar like the eagle.

for a life-changing experience like none other.

You may schedule your session upon completing the booking.


Total Fee $199

All Counseling Sessions will be held in the Zoom Room. You will receive your entrance information

and password code after the booking is complete. Please download the free app.

Zelle: theladyofwisdom
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You will learn Dr. CC's 5 Steps to Visualization which will navigate a new mindset for living.

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